2019 ITS European Congress Overview
Date: 3-6 June 2019
Location: Evoluon Congress Centre, Eindhoven & Helmond Automotive Campus – Brainport Region, Netherlands
Number of expected attendees: 3500 Intelligent Transport Systems professionals from 50 countries
Who will attend? Experts and professionals from academia, public authorities, and the industry sector from over 50 countries
Bodies involved: ERTICO – ITS Europe and The European Commission, Connekt/ITS Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Province of North-Brabant and Brainport Eindhoven
Theme: Fulfilling ITS Promises
Sessions & Workshops: 100+
Exhibitors: 150+ (Including co-exhibitors and start-ups)
Demonstrations: 19
Technical Visits: 17
ITS European Congress 2019 – helping ITS fulfill its promises
The ITS European Congress continues to evolve, keeping pace with the on-going evolution of the mobility industry, and embracing smart mobility and the digitalisation of transport as its fundamental focus points. For anybody interested in the latest trends in smart and integrated mobility, the Congress, which this year takes place in Brainport Eindhoven on 3-6 June 2019, is an ideal opportunity to join this discussion, share knowledge and learn about the latest technologies and policy developments in the area of smart mobility and transport. The Congress is a unique occasion for all mobility stakeholders to join forces in making smart mobility a reality.
This year’s Congress will attract more than 3000 participants from over 50 countries, and will feature over 100 sessions and workshops, a range of demonstrations and technical tours, as well as a series of associated events and social occasions. This year you can look forward to the biggest exhibition to date at an ITS European Congress, with over 100 companies and organisations from all over Europe showcasing their intelligent transport and smart city technologies and solutions. Moreover, a special area will be dedicated for start-ups to pitch their ideas and business models, and a demonstration site at the Helmond Automotive Campus will showcase 16 demonstrations of ITS solutions that are already being implemented and pushing the boundaries of current and future mobility.

Impactful technologies
With its motto “Fulfilling ITS Promises,” the 13th ITS European Congress is all about impactful, innovative technologies that make life and mobility more enjoyable, safer and cleaner. The Congress is organised by ERTICO – ITS Europe, the European Commission and local host – Brainport Eindhoven.
Brainport Eindhoven is part of Europe’s technological backbone and enjoys global recognition as a centre for automotive solutions and innovation. This, combined with ERTICO’s experience in promoting and developing smart mobility services, means you can look forward to an exciting programme and live demos showcasing innovating solutions on the roads between the Evoluon congress centre in Eindhoven and the Automotive Campus in Helmond, as well as in the surrounding areas of Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
Smart Mobility – a Dutch Reality
With millions of bicycles, cars, lorries and trains in an area of only 41,000 square kilometres, in the Netherlands we don’t just think and talk about smart mobility – above all, we put it into practice. It is something we believe in. To us, smart mobility solutions are not a future prospect, but necessary to keep mobility accessible to everyone. It is a small country full of people and vehicles, and filled with cycle paths, roads, waterways and railways. On the one hand, the Netherlands has large cities and industrial complexes and on the other hand rural areas and waterways. The challenges of such a complex infrastructure require innovative and realistic solutions. Solutions that are smart, green and safe and can be deployed today and tomorrow. Showing you just that, our Dutch Reality, is our main target for ITS Europe 2019.
New technologies with impact at their core
The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, regional authorities and a large number of companies work together on a national level to show you, as a visitor to the congress, how they implement the joint ‘Smart Mobility – Dutch Reality’ label. The Netherlands is an international frontrunner particularly because of how it puts new techniques into practice to achieve large-scale effects.
The ITS European Congress 2019 will officially kick off on Monday 3 June at 16:30 hours with a keynote speech by the Dutch Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, Mrs Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, followed by the launch of ‘Smart Mobility, Dutch Reality – the movie’. It gives a bird’s-eye view of the Netherlands, showing why our country is at the top of many impressive lists when it comes to our view on innovation and our preparations for the arrival of autonomous driving.
From Tuesday to Thursday the programme includes numerous plenary and executive sessions, in which we want to tell you more about our excellent digital and physical infrastructure, our knowledge and experience in connected, cooperative and autonomous driving, interoperability, public-private cooperation and (cyber)security, new mobility services, digitisation in logistics, our focus on maximising social impact, traffic safety and sustainability, integrating smart mobility in daily traffic management and our excellent knowledge infrastructure and testing facilities.
Throughout the week, there will also be various exciting demonstrations and experience visits at the Automotive Campus in Helmond, as well as in the vicinity of large cities elsewhere in the Netherlands, during which participants can learn about ITS and smart mobility innovations that have already been implemented. The demonstrations include various examples of ADAS, Talking Traffic, connected transport, CACC/truck platooning, autonomous driving and drones and smart shipping.
In the Evoluon, third ring, you will find a special exhibition floor where a selection of Dutch companies and public authorities show examples of ‘their’ Dutch Reality: the latest technologies, policies and legislation and other relevant developments in ITS and Smart Mobility.
More information
Want to know more? Please visit
We look forward to welcoming you to the Netherlands!
The week’s activities will kick off on Sunday 2 June with a Mobifestival at the Automotive Campus in Helmond, from 13:00 to 17:00, targeted at the current and future users of ITS technology – the general public. Visitors to the festival will be able to get up to speed on the latest ITS applications, learn more about smart mobility and try out new technologies for themselves. What’s more, participants will be able to witness the many innovative demonstrations that will be part of the ITS European Congress week.
There will be a lot to see and experience on the campus premises in Helmond and on the roads surrounding the campus – from delivery drones and electric racing cars, to trendy e-bikes, snazzy e-scooters and virtual reality games. Visitors will be able to learn more about autonomous driving, shared cars, electric cars, smart traffic lights, Adaptive Cruise Control and other driver assistance systems. There will be live demonstrations, trial circuits, a ‘drive smart and sustainably’ competition, a mini lecture for kids, and the opportunity to learn everything you have ever wanted to know about the digitalisation of transport.
There will be something for everybody – families, students, seniors and anyone else interested in the rapidly changing mobility of today. The festive atmosphere will be complemented by lots of food and some great music.
For more information:

Pushing the boundaries of mobility
The demonstrations at this year’s event will push the boundaries of modern mobility, so be sure to check out the innovative solutions that will be showcased at the Automotive Campus in Helmond – a living lab for smart mobility solutions. There will be a shuttle service between the Congress and Demonstration venue during which innovative technologies and solutions will also be presented. Demonstration rides can be pre-booked via the ITS European Congress 2019 App.
At the demonstrations, delegates, exhibitors and visitors will get the chance to experience exciting current and future mobility options and learn more about pioneering ventures. The demonstrations will range from vehicles with various driver assistance systems, to semi-automated and fully automated driving, and to systems connecting roadside equipment to vehicles. Also on show will be smart data exchange systems, intelligent infrastructure, and drone delivery solutions.

Your Future Festival
For the first time ever, ERTICO – ITS Europe, HERE and Brainport Eindhoven are organising a ‘Your Future Festival’ during the ITS European Congress 2019. Students, young professionals and companies will be able to network, share inspiration, research and experience and make valuable connections for the future. The festival will have a laid-back vibe with small stages where students and young professionals looking for a job, thesis or traineeship can promote themselves and showcase their talent in various pitches, workshops and other activities.
For companies, the festival will be an opportunity to establish direct contact with students and to showcase their brand to top graduates and young professionals from all over Europe. They will be able to do this through various activities, like a speed dating session matching companies with suitable young professionals, or ‘Drive your Future’ sessions, where recruiters and talents will get into special automobiles for one-on-one discussions.
Programme items:
Grab your future here (thesis topics)
A wall filled with thesis topics suggestions for students to grab and get in contact with companies. Companies are invited to send in internships, thesis topics and vacancies.
Carpe diem, Carpe Talentum
Cool jobs and talent can be matched here. Students looking for or companies offering a job, thesis or traineeship project will have the stage for 2 minutes. They can pitch themselves by presenting their ambitions, skills and experience. After 15 pitches, 10 students, 5 companies, there will be a possibility for networking with each other. Talent scouts from companies are welcome to watch en network with the candidates.
Drive your future, Speed dating
Get ready to meet your future employer or colleague? Get into a futuristic mobility solution and start speeddating according to these themes:
- Smart Cities
- Automated Driving
- MaaS
- Big Data & Artificial Intelligence.
About ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems & Services)
ITS – Intelligent Transport Systems and Services – is the integration of information and communications technology with transport infrastructure, vehicles and users. By sharing vital information, ITS allows people to get more from transport networks, in greater safety and with less impact on the environment.
ITS helps:
- detect hazards on the road ahead and inform drivers of them even before they are visible;
- keep vehicles at a safe distance from one another;
- allow vehicles to communicate directly with the infrastructure around them and with one another – enabling drivers to make better decisions about their route and respond to warnings of congestion and accidents;
- keep drivers informed of the local speed limit;
- monitor drivers for signs of fatigue and inform them when it’s time to take a break;
- give public transport users real time service information as well as smart and seamless ticketing solutions;
- integrate public transport into traffic management systems, giving priority to buses and trams ;
- enable freight operators and customs authorities to share information about consignments and keep track of their position and status, as well as providing information on the most efficient, economical and secure routes for freight;
- improve the efficiency of passenger and goods transport and ease congestion on the network – with obvious benefits for the environment, and;
- provide reliable real-time travel and traffic information, anywhere, anytime!
About the ITS European Congress
The ITS European Congress is an annual international conference focused on Intelligent Transport Systems.
This year, over 3500 international ITS experts, professionals, public and private sector leaders, academics, researchers, engineers and students, representing all corners of the ITS industry, will gather at the 13th ITS European Congress in the Brainport Region of Eindhoven-Helmond from 3 – 6 June 2019.
With over 100 programme sessions, 150+ exhibitors, co-exhibitors and startups, 19 live demonstrations, 17 technical visits, and a multitude of social and networking events, the 2019 ITS European Congress will offer unique and valuable opportunities and learning experiences for every ITS professional.
ERTICO – ITS Europe is proud to organise the ITS European Congress 2018 in partnership with the European Commission. The Congress is hosted by The Cities of Eindhoven and Helmond with strong support from the partners Connekt/ITS Netherlands, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, The Province of North-Brabant and Brainport Eindhoven.
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