Programme Streams

Join the debate on how to enhance our cities quality of life and mobility with Intelligent Transport Systems.
The  Plenary and Executive sessions will focus on a different stream each day of the Congress.

Smart Cities stream Automation stream MaaS stream
Preparing cities and regions for transition into smart mobility How far are we and how ready is the public for higher level of automation? The journey towards moving people and goods efficiently, safely and cleanly
Plenary Session: How do cities benefit from ITS? Plenary Session: Automated mobility – how far are we ? Plenary Session: Integrated mobility today
Start-up talk: Alternative transport modes in the mobility options Start-up talk: Wing drones for good Start-up talk: Mobility is a joint effort!
Dialogue: Smart Mobility - more hype than reality? Dialogue: What do the citizens want? Dialogue: Are silos and ‘walled gardens’ threatening open mobility innovations?
Panel discussion: Urban Air Mobility
Panel discussion: Sustainable Mobility for al
Panel discussion: Optimising conditions for road safety
Panel discussion: The road towards high level automation
Panel discussion: MaaS circular economy approach to mobility

Smart Cities Stream

June 4th 

How do cities benefit from ITS?

ITS has delivered efficiency, safety and sustainability benefits for our mobility systems. In this session we review some of the key achievements, for example how reliable real-time information for users has impacted our mobility system and how network management has improved efficiency and sustainability especially in cities and rural areas. We will also draw out some of the current challenges cities face with regards to ITS, such as legacy systems, vendor lock-in, skills shortages, etc.

Finally, we will look at some of the possibilities for the coming years and explore some key questions – how do we raise ITS’s visibility on the political agenda? How do we encourage cross agency cooperation? How can we best raise public awareness and inclusion? How to measure the real costs and benefits of ITS and on which to invest in as a city? The session will discuss about solutions such as integrated information and ticketing (including MaaS), traffic management systems (sensors, communication, information and governance) and data management.

The role of alternative transport modes in the mobility options

Start-up Keynote by Caroline Hazlehurst

More hype than reality?

What is a smart city and what is smart mobility? Which steps can a city take now towards smarter mobility and why? Are there business models for smart mobility?

Urban Air Mobility: What adding 3rd dimension brings and requires?

Urban Air Mobility solutions will bring new services both for urban logistics (short/medium run) and for passenger transport (long run). There are still some technical issues, related to scenery recognition, safety, cybersecurity, data communication for instance, which still need a lot of additional research. How to integrate 3D mobility in a city’s mobility strategy? To accommodate this mixed traffic of legacy cars, automated or traditional people transporters, drones, micro mobility solutions etc. will need a completely new view on mobility and its administration.

Sustainable mobility for all

How to develop a smart city concept that fully addresses the objectives of equitable access, safety, efficiency, and no emissions/pollutants? How to make sure that progress is made in all objectives in a balanced manner?

Automation Stream

June 4th

Wing drones for good

Start-up Keynote speach by Patrique Zaman

What do the citizens’ want?

Citizens, as the main stakeholders affected by the impact of Connected and Automated Driving are rarely included by cities or authorities in discussions aimed at defining roadmaps, strategies and policies . Several debates have shown that the expectations and requirements from citizens are often far away from those formulated by experts and not necessarily in line with strategies defined by authorities. The session will introduce the outcomes of the ongoing debate amongst selected informed citizens, representatives from public authorities and other stakeholders about the needs, expectations, concerns, and the “red lines” for citizens on the future of mobility.

June 5th

Automated mobility – how far are we?

Vehicle technology is supporting increasing levels of connectivity and automated operation. We have reached a point where vehicles are able to perform a range of normal driving tasks autonomously. The impact of automation on passenger vehicles, public transport and logistics is, and will be, even more significant. Nevertheless, it remains to be clarified, how automated mobility can be used to maximize benefits – what can we learn from current implementations across different transport modes and countries? Most importantly: how highly automated vehicles will impact on the user’s expectation on safety and ethics? How ready is the public for these changes?

Optimising conditions for road safety

In the transition towards automated driving, more and more functions in the vehicle will become automated, and advanced driver assistance systems will become more and more common. A good example being Intelligent Speed Assistance ISA, which has a huge potential to reduce the number of fatal and severe accidents.

The current revision of the General Safety Regulation by the EU will give a boost to safety-related features in the vehicle. How can we further speed up the deployment of these systems for the sake of road safety? And what are the requirements from both the physical as well as digital infrastructure (e.g. HD-Maps) to facilitate deployment of these systems? On the other hand, could these ADAS-systems possibly also have negative side-impacts on road safety and should we focus more on safe human behaviour?

The road towards high level automation

Gearing up towards higher levels of automated mobility requires a number of policy actions at various levels. The session will focus on the levers of automation needed to reach highly automated driving, role and challenges of ITS to enable automated mobility. It will also provide an overview of regulatory policies that require updates or a “fit for purpose” test.

MaaS Stream

June 5th

Mobility is a joint effort!

Start-up Keynote by Tom Kirschbaum

Are silos and ‘walled gardens’ threatening open mobility innovations?

The ‘walled garden’ silo strategies are spreading to urban mobility service industry. Does this mean we will enjoy a dominance of just a few global “MaaS” providers, each with their own exclusive set of transport services in their packages? What happens to local varieties of mobility? This topic is expected to become a pressing question in the new era of mobility. This session will put 1–2 “walled gardeners” opposite the argument for a more open and inclusive approach. The session will discuss pros/cons for each stakeholder (business, government, user) and spark some lively debate as there are major strategy questions – and important business interests – at stake.

June 6th

Maas circular economy approach to mobility?

In a ’circular economy‘ resource input, waste and emissions are minimised by actively managing energy and material loops, refurbishing, and recycling – an approach that does not require changes in the quality of life of consumers, or loss of revenues or extra costs for manufacturers and other economic agents. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) offers the prospect of a revolutionary sharing economy following circular economic principles that could reduce waste, pollution, congestion and costs for community-wide travel for both people and goods.

How could we take advantage of the new technologies to chance the current 20th century, resource intensive systems, operations and business models in mobility? ? How can we embrace shared mobility and integrated mobility solutions in order to create new options for users, so that there is a benefit for both the individuals and the society as a whole ?

Integrated mobility today

We are finally moving towards the goal of integrated mobility – moving people and goods efficiently, safely, cleanly and using all modes while giving the end-users reliable real-time information, more options, one-stop payment and an overall seamless experience. This session will report where we are in this journey; and explore whether a shift from owning vehicles to subscribing and using mobility services is a potential solution or a disruption to established businesses and governance frameworks. It will review whether Mobility as a Service is a boost for public transport or a threat; and it will look at new challenges such as delivering changes to our physical and digital infrastructure and opportunities we see arising from new transport technologies.