This year’s demonstrations will push the boundaries of modern mobility, so be sure to visit the innovative solutions that will be showcased between the Evoluon and Automotive Campus. Demonstrations will run between the Evoluon and the Helmond Automotive Campus – a living lab for smart mobility solutions! Your experience starts when you step into the shuttle bus at the Evoluon. On your way over to the Automotive Campus you will get an impression of implemented smart mobility solutions.
Shuttle buses will leave every 10-15 minutes from the Evoluon to the Automotive Campus and vice versa. Demonstration rides can be booked beforehand via the ITS European Congress 2019 App.
Use Dynniq’s GreenFlow on your transfer to the Automotive Campus
Experience the life of elite and premium-class passengers in our buses or VIP cars! By using Dynniq’s GreenFlow for VIPs you will get to your destination faster. During your transfer, you will discover how our C-ITS applications can provide smart support to road users. GreenFlow prevents a stop-start at junctions, which saves fuel and CO2 emissions. The driver will experience a more comfortable and smoother drive. And it gives the road manager full control to tailor their traffic policies to suit different road users, such as cyclists, car and lorry drivers. This creates an effective management of traffic flow, with the ultimate goal of improving user experience.
Demonstrations at the ITS European Congress
High-speed Autonomous Vehicle Demo
2getthere is excited to showcase a high-speed (40km/h) demonstration with our 3rd generation GRT vehicle on the Automotive Campus during the ITS 2019. During the demo the projects in which the vehicle will be featured, business park Rivium (Capelle aan den IJssel, the Netherlands) and Brussels Airport (Belgium), will present their deployment at the stations served by the autonomous vehicle.
ADAS Alliance
Creating awareness and stimulating the use of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) can make a significant contribution to the road safety of drivers and fellow road users, but also to traffic flow and the environment. However, recent studies have shown that many drivers are insufficiently informed that their cars are equipped with such systems and do not use them sufficiently. With this ADAS demonstration – in which several car brands are involved – we want to draw special attention to the functionalities and usefulness of ADAS and also want to strengthen our European lobby.
‘See through the eyes of our car’
The ATeam will navigate an urban intersection with a smart traffic light and perform an autonomous parking manoeuvre. Ride in the car and see how an autonomous and cooperative driving car senses its surroundings, and plans its path on the road!
AUTOPILOT: the use of Internet of Things to enhance Automated Driving
The demonstration will show how information from a drone, roadside systems (cameras & traffic lights) and from vehicles (road hazard and VRU detection), is used through IoT for forming a car platoon, speed adjustment of platooning and for finding the best route to an available parking spot with automated valet parking.
C-MobILE C-ITS urban services demo
The C-Mobile project is about large-scale deployment and interoperability of C-ITS services. These topics will be central to the demonstration, which shows four urban scenarios, with each scenario running different combinations of C-ITS services. For more information about the C-Mobile project see
Drone out of the box
Autonomous drones: opportunities for traffic research
In the near future, drones will operate autonomously. provides autonomous drone systems. This system will be demonstrated, as well as the possible applications of autonomous drones for traffic research (using cameras and AI). Previous experiences of Antea Group with this application will be shared.
Dynniq / Maven
Traffic controller supported automated driving
The European Maven project intends to provide vehicle management solutions for urban signalized intersections and corridors based on I2V and V2V interaction. This demo will show the intersection requesting automated vehicle lane or speed change based on traffic demand and vehicle information to the intersection causing it to change behaviour based on vehicle characteristics and trajectory.
Experience the full connected road side ecosystem in operation
Did you know the Netherlands already has an operational C-ITS ecosystem in place? We will demonstrate that it is up and running, integrated with various types of objects from competitive vendors. The data is visualized in-car by our partner’s solutions. Hop in the demo ride and experience the possibilities!
Automated driving made safer and more efficient by integrating intelligent roadside infrastructure in mobility solutions
The potential benefits of automated vehicles on safety, comfort and traffic efficiency are widely recognized by the automotive industry and authorities. Developments in cellular and ad-hoc communication technology are rapidly expanding possible mobility solutions, connecting vehicles and infrastructure. In this demonstration roadside infrastructure equipped with connectivity actively assists a platoon of automated vehicles approaching an intersection, showcasing an improvement in traffic efficiency and safety.
Talking Traffic
Talking Traffic Experience: enabling road users to look ‘far beyond their windscreen’
Get to know Talking Traffic in practice: new services for road users based on real-time data exchange and connectivity, enabling them to look far “beyond their windscreen”. Make optimal use of real-time travel information and driving support via a dashboard screen, navigation system or simply via a smartphone: tailor-made and real-time, regardless of location and vehicle brand. Talking Traffic services include information on incidents, roadworks, sudden changes in weather conditions, traffic jams, maximum speeds (static and dynamic), matrix signs, closed lanes, parking options, time to red and green.
CACC / Truck Platooning
CACC with trucks on secondary roads with traffic light interaction
During the ITS European Congress Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) will be demonstrated by means of a platoon of trucks which is able to run smoothly across an intersection, with existing C-ITS capabilities, by giving priority to the trucks and extending green time for traffic lights. The dynamic length of the number of platooning trucks is taken into account.
i-CAVE: a showcase of the benefits of vehicle cooperation
In the i-CAVE project dual mode demonstrator vehicles are being developed, which showcase cooperative and automated driving. In this demo the difference between those two modes will be shown with two Renault Twizys following each other automatically. The vehicle following distance achieved with cooperative driving would be unsafe without V2V communication.
Enabling L3 hand over and hand back by VI-DAS (Vision Inspired Driver Assistance Systems)
The aim of the demonstration is to show take-over and hand back transition strategies for SAE-L3: from manual to automated and from automated to manual. The approach is based on next generation 720º vision inspired driver assistances systems.
Come aboard NAVYA AUTONOM SHUTTLE, the electric and autonomous mobility service for 15 passengers!
Come aboard the AUTONOM SHUTTLE and discover an autonomous and fluid travel, with neither a steering wheel nor pedals. AUTONOM SHUTTLE fleets improve private sites, ease road congestion in urban centres and guarantee autonomous transport performance for the first and last mile. Discover through this service an application of our shuttles and enjoy a pleasant trip while making the most of your travel time.
Traffic jam detection, travel time information and Road Work Warning (RWW) service
Heijmans uses Floating Car Data to display traffic jams, travel time information and diversion routes on message sign trailers.
And by pushing GPS data from our message sign trailers and attenuator trucks to the navigation systems and traffic apps, approaching road users are warned in time for these objects.
SMASH! Smart shipping demonstrations at the Evoluon in Eindhoven
Fully autonomous, remote controlled or assisting the skipper: smart shipping solutions are researched and prototyped in many ways in The Netherlands. With a large economic potential for both inshore and offshore waters and less complex situations compared to roads, autonomous sailing might be easier to implement than autonomous driving. Visit the SMASH demonstration-zone just outside the Evoluon to learn more about Smart Shipping.
Scaled ITS application test bed
Within this demonstration a scaled test bed is setup for quick testing of the controls, algorithms and communication related to the ITS applications. The setup consists scaled RC vehicles which are localized in space with an overhead camera. The demonstration will be on the self-docking of the trucks within the distribution centers and the scaled smart dolly’s with independent steering and traction on each wheel.
UC1: Highway chauffeur/Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control- over long range cellular
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control realises longitudinal automated vehicle control.
UC2: CONCORDA platooning
Modern communication standards and technologies like V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle communication) make it possible that trucks equipped with these communication facilities can couple on the fly, while driving. They form ‘electronically coupled’ trains.